Home: PCU 4|2002: Leonard G Gomella, MD, FACS: Select Publications

Select publications

Carter HB et al. Expectant management of nonpalpable prostate cancer with curative intent: Preliminary results. J Urol 2002;167(3):1231-4. Abstract

Djavan B et al. Repeat prostate biopsy: Who, how and when? A review. Eur Urol 2002;42(2):93. Abstract

Djavan B et al. Safety and morbidity of first and repeat transrectal ultrasound guided prostate needle biopsies: Results of a prospective European prostate cancer detection study. J Urol 2001;166(3):856-60. Abstract

El-Gabry EA et al. Undetectable prostate-specific antigen response with bicalutamide withdrawal phenomenon. Tech Urol 2000;6(3):221-2. Abstract

Errejon A, Crawford ED. Monotherapy versus combined androgen blockade in patients with advanced prostate cancer. Cancer 2002;95(2):209-10. Abstract

Huan SD et al. Antiandrogen withdrawal syndrome with nilutamide. Urology 1997;49(4):632-4. Abstract

Klotz LH et al. Expectant management with selective delayed intervention for favorable-risk prostate cancer. Can J Urol 2002;9(3 Supp 1):2-7. Abstract

Nieh PT. Withdrawal phenomenon with the antiandrogen casodex. J Urol 1995;153(3 Pt 2):1070- 2;discussion 1072-3. Abstract

Paul R, Breul J. Antiandrogen withdrawal syndrome associated with prostate cancer therapies: Incidence and clinical significance. Drug Saf 2000;23(5):381-90. Abstract

Roehl KA et al. Serial biopsy results in prostate cancer screening study. J Urol 2002;167(6):2435-9. Abstract

Samson DJ et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of monotherapy compared with combined androgen blockade for patients with advanced prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2002;95(2):361-76. Abstract

Schellhammer PF et al. Prostate specific antigen decreases after withdrawal of antiandrogen therapy with bicalutamide or flutamide in patients receiving combined androgen blockade. J Urol 1997;157(5):1731-5. Abstract

Schellhammer PF, Kolvenbag GJ. Serum PSA decline after Casodex withdrawal. Urology 1994;44(5):790-2. Abstract

Stephenson AJ et al. Utility of PSA doubling time in follow-up of untreated patients with localized prostate cancer. Urology 2002;59(5):652-6. Abstract

Zietman AL et al. Conservative management of prostate cancer in the prostate specific antigen era: The incidence and time course of subsequent therapy. J Urol 2001;166(5):1702-6. Abstract




Editor's Office

Editor’s Note:
Perceptions of treatment trade-offs in patients with prostate and breast cancer

Leonard G Gomella, MD, FACS
    - Select publications

Peter R Carroll, MD
    - Select publications

Peter T Scardino, MD
    - Select publications

A Oliver Sartor, BA, MD
    - Select publications

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