Home: PCU 3|2004: Yves Fradet, MD, FRCSC: Select publications

Select publications

Akakura K et al. Long-term results of a randomized trial for the treatment of Stages B2 and C prostate cancer: Radical prostatectomy versus external beam radiation therapy with a common endocrine therapy in both modalities. Urology 1999;54(2):313-8. Abstract

Albertsen PC et al. Competing risk analysis of men aged 55 to 74 years at diagnosis managed conservatively for clinically localized prostate cancer. JAMA 1998;280(11):975-80. Abstract

Begg CB et al. Variations in morbidity after radical prostatectomy. N Engl J Med 2002;346(15):1138-44. Abstract

Boccardo F et al. Tamoxifen (T) is more effective than anastrozole (A) in preventing gynecomastia induced by bicalutamide (B) monotherapy in prostate cancer (pca) patients (pts). Proc ASCO 2003;Abstract 1608.

Dicker AP. The safety and tolerability of low-dose irradiation for the management of gynaecomastia caused by antiandrogen monotherapy. Lancet Oncol 2003;4(1):30-6. Abstract

Eaton AC et al. Once weekly tamoxifen in the prevention of gynecomastia and breast pain secondary to bicalutamide therapy. Program and abstracts of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association 2004;Abstract 1069.

Fradet Y. Role of radical prostatectomy in high-risk prostate cancer. Can J Urol 2002;9(Suppl 1):8- 13. Abstract

Iversen P et al. Bicalutamide 150 mg for early non-metastatic prostate cancer in patients who would otherwise undergo watchful waiting: Latest results at a median 5.4 years’ follow-up. Program and abstracts of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association 2004;Abstract 1061.

Iversen P et al; Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group (SPCG). A randomised comparison of bicalutamide (‘Casodex’) 150 mg versus placebo as immediate therapy either alone or as adjuvant to standard care for early non-metastatic prostate cancer. First report from the Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group Study No. 6. Eur Urol 2002;42(3):204-11. Abstract

Iversen P et al. Casodex (bicalutamide) 150-mg monotherapy compared with castration in patients with previously untreated nonmetastatic prostate cancer: Results from two multicenter randomized trials at a median follow-up of 4 years. Urology 1998;51(3):389-96. Abstract

Saad F et al. Multicenter study of the UPM3 test, a new molecular urine assay to detect prostate cancer. Program and abstracts of the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association 2003;Abstract 469.

See WA et al. Bicalutamide 150 mg alone or as adjuvant to standard care significantly improves progression-free survival in patients with early, non-metastatic prostate cancer (median 5.4 years’ follow-up). Program and abstracts of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association 2004;Abstract 810.

See WA et al. Bicalutamide 150 mg in addition to standard care significantly improves prostate specific antigen progression-free survival in patients with early, non-metastatic prostate cancer: Median 5.4 years’ follow-up. J Urol 2004;Abstract 1316.

See W et al. Immediate treatment with bicalutamide 150mg as adjuvant therapy significantly reduces the risk of PSA progression in early prostate cancer. Eur Urol 2003;44(5):512-7. Abstract

See WA et al; Casodex Early Prostate Cancer Trialist Group. Bicalutamide as immediate therapy either alone or as adjuvant to standard care of patients with localized or locally advanced prostate cancer: First analysis of the early prostate cancer program. J Urol 2002;168(2):429-35. Abstract

Tyrrell CJ et al. A randomised comparison of ‘Casodex’ (bicalutamide) 150 mg monotherapy versus castration in the treatment of metastatic and locally advanced prostate cancer. Eur Urol 1998;33(5):447-56. Abstract

Widmark A et al. Does prophylactic breast irradiation prevent antiandrogen-induced gynecomastia? Evaluation of 253 patients in the randomized Scandinavian trial SPCG-7/SFUO-3. Urology 2003;61(1):145-51. Abstract




Editor’s Note:
It might not happen,
but it should

Yves Fradet, MD, FRCSC
    - Select publications

Raju Thomas, MD, FACS, MHA
    - Select publications

Susan F Slovin, MD, PhD
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Joel Picus, MD
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