Home: PCU 5|2004: Select publications

Select publications

Aprikian AG et al. An oncology perspective on the benefits and cost of combined androgen blockade in advanced prostate cancer. Can J Urol 2003;10(5):1986-94. Abstract

Arredondo SA et al. Watchful waiting and health related quality of life for patients with localized prostate cancer: Data from CaPSURE. J Urol 2004;172(5 Pt 1):1830-4. Abstract

Ataman F et al. Late toxicity following conventional radiotherapy for prostate cancer: Analysis of the EORTC trial 22863. Eur J Cancer 2004;40(11):1674-81. Abstract

Bailey DE et al. Uncertainty intervention for watchful waiting in prostate cancer. Cancer Nurs 2004;27(5):339-46. Abstract

Beebe-Dimmer JL et al. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in men with family history of prostate cancer: A pilot study. Urology 2004;63(2):282-7. Abstract

Boehmer U, Babayan RK. A pilot study to determine support during the pre-treatment phase of early prostate cancer. Psychooncology 2004;[Epub ahead of print].

Bogdanos J et al. Combined androgen blockade-induced anemia in prostate cancer patients without bone involvement. Anticancer Res 2003;23(2C):1757-62. Abstract

Carter CA et al. Temporarily deferred therapy (watchful waiting) for men younger than 70 years and with low-risk localized prostate cancer in the prostate-specific antigen era. J Clin Oncol 2003 Nov 1;21(21):4001-8. Abstract

Choi S et al. Treatment margins predict biochemical outcomes after prostate brachytherapy. Cancer J 2004;10(3):175-80. Abstract

Crook J et al. Report of a multicenter Canadian phase III randomized trial of 3 months vs 8 months neoadjuvant androgen deprivation before standard-dose radiotherapy for clinically localized prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004;60(1):15-23. Abstract

D’Amico AV et al. 6-month androgen suppression plus radiation therapy vs radiation therapy alone for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2004;292(7):821-7. Abstract

D’Amico AV et al. Prostate specific antigen doubling time as a surrogate end point for prostate cancer specific mortality following radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy. J Urol 2004;172 (5 Pt 2):S42-6. Abstract

Davison BJ et al. Preferences for sexual information resources in patients treated for early-stage prostate cancer with either radical prostatectomy or Brachytherapy. BJU Int 2004;93(7):965-9. Abstract

Diefenbach MA et al. Clinical, demographic and psychosocial correlates of complementary and alternative medicine use by men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer. J Urol 2003;170(1):166-9. Abstract

Djavan B et al. Are repeat biopsies required in men with PSA levels </=4 ng/ml? A multiinstitutional prospective European study. Eur Urol 2005;47(1):[Epub ahead of print].

el-Geneidy M et al. Delayed therapy with curative intent in a contemporary prostate cancer watchful-waiting cohort. BJU Int 2004;93(4):510-5. Abstract

Eng J et al. A population-based survey of complementary and alternative medicine use in men recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Integr Cancer Ther 2003;2(3):212-6. Abstract

Etzioni R et al. Prostate-specific antigen and free prostate-specific antigen in the early detection of prostate cancer: do combination tests improve detection? Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004;13(10):1640-5. Abstract

Fromme EK et al. How accurate is clinician reporting of chemotherapy adverse effects? A comparison with patient-reported symptoms from the Quality-of-Life Questionnaire C30. J Clin Oncol 2004;22(17):3485-90. Abstract

Hanks GE et al. Phase III trial of long-term adjuvant androgen deprivation after neoadjuvant hormonal cytoreduction and radiotherapy in locally advanced carcinoma of the prostate: The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Protocol 92-02. J Clin Oncol 2003;21(21):3972-8. Abstract

Harlan SR et al. Time trends and characteristics of men choosing watchful waiting for initial treatment of localized prostate cancer: Results from CaPSURE. J Urol 2003;170(5):1804-7. Abstract

Incrocci L et al. Efficacy of sildenafil in an open-label study as a continuation of a double-blind study in the treatment of erectile dysfunction after radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Urology 2003;62(1):116-20. Abstract

Iversen P et al. Bicalutamide (150 mg) versus placebo as immediate therapy alone or as adjuvant therapy with curative intent for early nonmetastatic prostate cancer: 5.3-year median follow up from the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group Study Number 6. J Urol 2004;172(5 Pt 1):1871-6. Abstract

Iversen P et al. Is the efficacy of hormonal therapy affected by lymph node status? Data from the bicalutamide (Casodex) Early Prostate Cancer program. Urology 2004;63(5):928-33. Abstract

Johansson JE et al. Natural history of early, localized prostate cancer. JAMA 2004;291(22):2713-9. Abstract

Kaplan ID et al. A comparison of the precision of seeds deposited as loose seeds versus suture embedded seeds: A randomized trial. Brachytherapy 2004;3(1):7-9. Abstract

Khan MA et al. Probability of biochemical recurrence by analysis of pathologic stage, Gleason score, and margin status for localized prostate cancer. Urology 2003;62(5):866-71. Abstract

Klotz L. Active surveillance with selective delayed intervention: Using natural history to guide treatment in good risk prostate cancer. J Urol 2004;172(5 Pt 2):S48-50. Abstract

Kraetschmer N et al. How does trust affect patient preferences for participation in decisionmaking? Health Expect 2004;7(4):317-26. Abstract

Kuban D et al. Hazards of dose escalation in prostate cancer radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;57(5):1260-8. Abstract

Labrie F. Androgen blockade in prostate cancer in 2002: Major benefits on survival in localized disease. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2002;198(1-2):77-87. Abstract

Laverdiere J et al. The efficacy and sequencing of a short course of androgen suppression on freedom from biochemical failure when administered with radiation therapy for T2-T3 prostate cancer. J Urol 2004;171(3):1137-40. Abstract

Little DJ et al. Quality-of-life questionnaire results 2 and 3 years after radiotherapy for prostate cancer in a randomized dose-escalation study. Urology 2003;62(4):707-13. Abstract

Lorente JA et al. A longer duration of neo-adjuvant combined androgen blockade prior to radical prostatectomy may lead to lower tumour volume of localised prostate cancer. Eur Urol 2003;43(2):119-23. Abstract

Maliski SL et al. Confidence in the ability to communicate with physicians among low-income patients with prostate cancer. Urology 2004;64(2):329-34. Abstract

Moul JW et al. Early versus delayed hormonal therapy for prostate specific antigen only recurrence of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy. J Urol 2004;171(3):1141-7. Abstract

Parker C. Active surveillance of early prostate cancer: Rationale, initial results and future developments. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 2004;7(3):184-7. Abstract

Postma R et al. Potentially advanced malignancies detected by screening for prostate carcinoma after an interval of 4 years. Cancer 2004;100(5):968-75. Abstract

Pound CR et al. Natural history of progression after PSA elevation following radical prostatectomy. JAMA 1999;281(17):1591-7. Abstract

Raaijmakers R et al. Prostate cancer detection in the prostate specific antigen range of 2.0 to 3.9 ng/ ml: Value of percent free prostate specific antigen on tumor detection and tumor aggressiveness. J Urol 2004;171(6 Pt 1):2245-9. Abstract

Roach M 3rd et al. Phase III trial comparing whole-pelvic versus prostate-only radiotherapy and neoadjuvant versus adjuvant combined androgen suppression: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9413. J Clin Oncol 2003;21(10):1904-11. Abstract

Schellhammer PF, Davis JW. An evaluation of bicalutamide in the treatment of prostate cancer. Clin Prostate Cancer 2004;2(4):213-9. Abstract

See W et al. Immediate treatment with bicalutamide 150mg as adjuvant therapy significantly reduces the risk of PSA progression in early prostate cancer. Eur Urol 2003;44(5):512-7. Abstract

Shipley WU et al. Effect of a short course of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy on the response to subsequent androgen suppression in prostate cancer patients with relapse after radiotherapy: A secondary analysis of the randomized protocol RTOG 86-10. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;54(5):1302-10. Abstract

Steginga SK et al. A prospective study of the use of alternative therapies by men with localized prostate cancer. Patient Educ Couns 2004;55(1):70-7. Abstract

Steginga SK et al. Prospective study of men’s psychological and decision-related adjustment after treatment for localized prostate cancer. Urology 2004;63(4):751-6. Abstract

Stephenson AJ et al. Morbidity and functional outcomes of salvage radical prostatectomy for locally recurrent prostate cancer after radiation therapy. J Urol 2004;172(6 Pt 1):2239-43. Abstract

Tan MO et al. Effects of combined androgen blockade on bone metabolism and density in men with locally advanced prostate cancer. Int Urol Nephrol 2002;34(1):75-9. Abstract

Taplin ME et al. Docetaxel, estramustine, and short term androgen withdrawal for patients with biochemical failure after definitive local therapy for prostate cancer. Semin Oncol 2001;28(4 Suppl 15):32-9. Abstract

Tewari A et al. Long-term survival probability in men with clinically localized prostate cancer: a case-control, propensity modeling study stratified by race, age, treatment and comorbidities. J Urol 2004;171(4):1513-9. Abstract

Tyrrell CJ et al. Prophylactic breast irradiation with a single dose of electron beam radiotherapy (10 Gy) significantly reduces the incidence of bicalutamide-induced gynecomastia. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004;60(2):476-83. Abstract

Wallace M et al. The watchful waiting management option for older men with prostate cancer: State of the science. Oncol Nurs Forum 2004;31(6):1057-66. Abstract

Wallner K et al. 125I versus 103Pd for low-risk prostate cancer: Preliminary PSA outcomes from a prospective randomized multicenter trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;57(5):1297-303. Abstract

Widmark A et al. Does prophylactic breast irradiation prevent antiandrogen-induced gynecomastia? Evaluation of 253 patients in the randomized Scandinavian trial SPCG-7/SFUO-3. Urology 2003;61(1):145-51. Abstract

Wirth MP et al. Bicalutamide 150 mg in addition to standard care in patients with localized or locally advanced prostate cancer: Results from the second analysis of the early prostate cancer program at median follow up of 5.4 years. J Urol 2004;172(5 Pt 1):1865-70. Abstract

Wu H et al. Watchful waiting and factors predictive of secondary treatment of localized prostate cancer. J Urol 2004;171(3):1111-6. Abstract





Editor’s Note:
Visiting professors

The initial reaction to the diagnosis of prostate cancer
Discussing treatment options for localized disease
Treatment side effects and complications
Case discussion: Maximal androgen blockade and radiation therapy for PSA relapse
Psychosocial issues in prostate cancer
Case discussion: PSA progression after intolerable side effects from chemical castration
Case discussion: Androgen deprivation for metastatic
Case discussion: Open versus laparoscopic prostatectomy
Case discussion: In search of a radiation oncologist
Watchful waiting for low-risk disease
Complementary medicine and supportive care
Select publications

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