Neil Love, MD
Mark Soloway, MD

CASE 1: 41-year-old man with a Gleason 6, T1 tumor
CASE 2: 66-year-old man with 4/9 positive nodes at prostatectomy
CASE 3: 57-year-old man with Gleason 9 tumor on TURP
CASE 4: 75-year-old man with a Gleason 6, cT2 tumor
Select Publications

  Paul Schellhammer, MD, FACS
  A personal perspective on prostate cancer
Immediate versus delayed androgen deprivation
Select Publications
  Edward Messing, MD
  Adjuvant hormonal therapy for men with node-positive disease
Management of patients with positive surgical margins at prostatectomy
The Early Prostate Cancer (EPC) trials in clinical practice
Management of patients with postprostatectomy PSA failure
Select Publications
  William A See, MD
  The Early Prostate Cancer (EPC) trials
Counseling patients about the EPC data
Quality of life considerations with early hormonal therapy
Select Publications
  Nancy A Dawson, MD
  Prostate Cancer Journal Club
Pamidronate prevents bone loss associated with androgen deprivation therapy
Zoledronic acid prevents skeletal - related adverse events in men with metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer
Ten - year follow-up of low-risk prostate cancer treated with brachytherapy
RTOG 8531: Long-term adjuvant androgen deprivation following radiation therapy improves survival in men with Gleason 8-10 prostate cancer
Bicalutamide as immediate thera py in prostate cancer reduces the risk of disease progression
Management of men with a rising PSA
CASE 5: 58-year-old man with a Gleason 9 prostate cancer
CASE 6: 80-year-old man with multiple responses to hormonal therapy
Select Publications



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