Home: PCU 2|2003: Mitchell Benson, MD: Select publications

Select publications

Maximum androgen blockade in advanced prostate cancer: An overview of the randomised trials. Prostate Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group. Lancet 2000;355(9214):1491-8. Abstract

Boccardo F et al. Bicalutamide monotherapy versus flutamide plus goserelin in prostate cancer patients: Results of an Italian Prostate Cancer Project study. J Clin Oncol 1999;17(7):2027-38. Abstract

Denis LJ et al. Maximal androgen blockade: Final analysis of EORTC Phase III trial 30853. EORTC Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Cooperative Group and the EORTC Data Center. Eur Urol 1998;33(2):144-51. Abstract

Eisenberger MA et al. Bilateral orchiectomy with or without flutamide for metastatic prostate cancer. N Engl J Med 1998;339(15):1036-42. Abstract

Labrie F et al. Can combined androgen blockade provide long-term control or possible cure of localized prostate cancer? Urology 2002;60(1):115-9. Abstract

Leibowitz RL et al. Treatment of localized prostate cancer with intermittent triple androgen blockade: Preliminary results in 110 consecutive patients. Oncologist 2001;6(2):177-82. Abstract

Samson DJ et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of monotherapy compared with combined androgen blockade for patients with advanced prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2002;95(2):361-376. Abstract

Sarosdy MF et al. Does prolonged combined androgen blockade have survival benefits over short-term combined androgen blockade therapy? Urology 2000;55(3):391-5; discussion 395-6. Abstract

Schellhammer PF et al. Clinical benefits of bicalutamide compared with flutamide in combined androgen blockade for patients with advanced prostatic carcinoma: Final report of a doubleblind, randomized, multicenter trial. Casodex Combination Study Group. Urology 1997;50(3):330- 6. Abstract

Schmitt B et al. Combined androgen blockade with nonsteroidal antiandrogens for advanced prostate cancer: A systematic review. Urology 2001;57(4):727-32. Abstract

Tyrrell CJ et al. Comparison of an LH-RH analogue (Goeserelin acetate, 'Zoladex') with combined androgen blockade in advanced prostate cancer: Final survival results of an international multicentre randomized-trial. International Prostate Cancer Study Group. Eur Urol 2000;37(2):205- 11. Abstract




Editor’s Note

Mark S Soloway, MD
    - Select publications

Richard Stock, MD
    - Select publications

Mitchell Benson, MD
    - Select publications


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