Home: PCU 2|2004: Laurence Klotz, MD: Select publications

Select publications

Akakura K et al. Long-term results of a randomized trial for the treatment of Stages B2 and C prostate cancer: Radical prostatectomy versus external beam radiation therapy with a common endocrine therapy in both modalities. Urology 1999;54(2):313-8. Abstract

Draisma G et al. Lead-times and overdetection in PSA screening: an estimate based on results from the ERSPC Trial, Section Rotterdam. Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting 2003;Abstract DP14.

Goss PE et al. A randomized trial of letrozole in postmenopausal women after five years of tamoxifen therapy for early-stage breast cancer. N Engl J Med 2003;349(19):1793-802. Abstract

McConnell JD et al; Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) Research Group. The long-term effect of doxazosin, finasteride, and combination therapy on the clinical progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia. N Engl J Med 2003;349(25):2387-98. Abstract

Prostate Cancer Trialists' CollaborativeGroup. Maximum androgen blockade in advanced prostate cancer: An overview of the randomised trials. Lancet 2000;355(9214):1491-8. Abstract

Schellhammer PF et al; Casodex Combination Study Group. Clinical benefits of bicalutamide compared with flutamide in combined androgen blockade for patients with advanced prostatic carcinoma: Final report of a double-blind, randomized, multicenter trial. Urology 1997;50(3):330-6. Abstract

See W et al. Immediate treatment with bicalutamide 150mg as adjuvant therapy significantly reduces the risk of PSA progression in early prostate cancer. Eur Urol 2003;44(5):512-7; 517-8. Abstract

See WA et al; Casodex Early Prostate Cancer Trialist Group. Bicalutamide as immediate therapy either alone or as adjuvant to standard care of patients with localized or locally advanced prostate cancer: First analysis of the early prostate cancer program. J Urol 2002;168(2):429-35. Abstract

Thompson IM et al. The influence of finasteride on the development of prostate cancer. N Engl J Med 2003;349(3):215-24. Abstract

TrumpDL. Bicalutamide as immediate therapy either alone or as adjuvant to standard care of patients with localized or locally advanced prostate cancer: First analysis of the early prostate cancer program. Urol Oncol 2003;21(5):408-9. Abstract

van der Cruijsen-Koeter IW et al. Comparison of screen detected and clinically diagnosed prostate cancer in the 'European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer.' Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting 2003;No abstract available.




Editor’s Note:
Is prostate cancer essentially breast cancer in men?

Laurence Klotz, MD
    - Select publications

Anthony L Zietman, MD, MRCP, FRCR
    - Select publications

Robert Dreicer, MD, FACP
    - Select publications

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