Home: PCU2|2002: Anthony V D’Amico, MD, PhD

Anthony V D’Amico, MD, PhD

Chief, Genitourinary Radiation Oncology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Harvard Medical School

Edited Comments by Dr D'Amico


If quality-assured, brachytherapy offers low-risk patients the opportunity to escalate the radiation dose and spare much of the toxicity. Acutely, patients have more urethral symptoms. Long term, impotence is no better, but radiation proctitis may be improved with brachytherapy compared to external beam radiation. The quality assurance for brachytherapy should include CT-based postimplantation dosimetry. For intermediate-risk patients, many believe brachytherapy should be combined with external beam radiation. Only the Seattle group believes implants alone can be used in intermediate-risk patients. We use MRI-based implants, which are a little more precise. For the most part, ultrasound-based implants are fine as long as there is quality assurance afterwards.

Adjuvant hormonal therapy

For T3-4 disease, there is no argument that the standard of care should include long-term hormonal blockade. RTOG and EORTC consider two and three years of hormonal therapy, respectively, to be long-term. Two years is most commonly used.

In localized disease, I would recommend the addition of hormonal therapy for a high-risk patient or an intermediate-risk patient who has unfavorable features (i.e., Gleason score = 4+3 or PSA > 10 ng/mL and more than half of the biopsy cores positive). These patients are more likely to have a systemic, as opposed to a local-only, pattern of failure. I would use six months of hormonal therapy — two months before, two months during and two months after radiation therapy.

Higher radiation doses

Since men receiving hormonal therapy are also at risk for local failure, do they need higher radiation doses? This question remains unanswered. I am conducting a clinical trial at our institution using a higher radiation dose in combination with six months of hormonal therapy. We protect the rectum by using a 3-D conformal technique and inserting an intrarectal balloon for either the first or the last three weeks of radiation. I obtain a lateral port film to see the balloon, set my posterior border so the rectum is almost completely excluded and then treat. That is the only way I feel comfortable using highdose radiation and hormones.

I am convinced that rectal toxicity is lower with 3-D conformal radiation therapy, as suggested by a number of phase II studies. I think 3-D conformal radiation therapy is key from a quality-of-life perspective. A Foley catheter and a rectal tube should no longer be used to locate the prostate. A CT-based simulation or at least a CT scan to transfer onto bony anatomy should define our target. Dose-escalations beyond 72 Gy without a conformal approach are dangerous, because one does not know the location of the rectum. The conformal technique is a technical advance with quality-of-life improvements.

The Surgical Prostatectomy versus Interstitial Radiation Intervention Trial (SPIRIT)

The SPIRIT trial, conducted by the American College of Surgeons, will compare two treatment modalities in patients with low-risk prostate cancer. Patients will be randomized to either radical prostatectomy or brachytherapy. This trial is particularly important because it will help to define both quality of life and cancer control outcomes in a disease state — low-risk prostate cancer — that has become the most prevalent as a result of PSA-based screening.

Hormonal therapy in combination with radiation therapy

There have been a number of studies, conducted primarily by the RTOG and the Europeans, evaluating the role of hormonal therapy in combination with radiation therapy. The main study, published by Bolla in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1997, was the EORTC trial. This trial, which changed practice patterns, added three years of hormonal therapy both during and following radiation therapy in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer. Since that trial was published, the standard of care for patients with T3-4 prostate cancer has become radiation and hormonal therapy.

In patients with localized prostate cancer, three trials have been completed and await follow-up. RTOG 9408 compared four months of hormonal therapy (two months prior and two months during radiation therapy) to radiation therapy alone in patients with T1-2 disease, PSA < 20 ng/mL and any Gleason score. A second trial, conducted at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, randomized patients with intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer to radiation with or without six months of hormonal therapy (two months prior, two months during and two months after radiation therapy). The final study, by the Europeans, also compares six months of hormonal therapy to no hormonal therapy in radiation-managed patients with localized prostate cancer.

These studies will determine whether the addition of hormonal therapy can improve survival in patients with localized disease who are treated with radiation therapy. Currently, most radiation oncologists in the United States are adding hormonal therapy to radiation therapy in patients with localized prostate cancer and a PSA > 10 ng/mL or a Gleason score = 7. The regimen is short term, usually anywhere from four to six months. However, we are awaiting these trial results to answer this localized prostate cancer question definitively.

Standard hormonal therapy consists of complete androgen blockade with an LHRH agonist and a nonsteroidal antiandrogen. A study is currently being planned to compare bicalutamide 150 milligrams to complete androgen blockade. Until results from that trial are available, we have not moved to using high-dose bicalutamide alone. However, instead of using no hormonal therapy in patients refusing an LHRH agonist — maybe because of qualityof- life issues — we may offer them high-dose bicalutamide monotherapy.

Patients with low-risk prostate cancer

In patients with low-risk prostate cancer, current radiation doses may be inadequate. An abstract presented at the AUA meeting, suggests that conventional radiation therapy doses (70 Gy) are not as effective as radical prostatectomy after eight years of follow-up in low-risk or low-volume, intermediate-risk patients. Radiation therapy is less effective than radical prostatectomy in otherwise low-risk prostate cancer patients, because the radiation doses used are ineffective to sterilize one or two cubic centimeters of adenocarcinoma. There are no other sites in the body where we can completely sterilize two cubic centimeters of adenocarcinoma with radiation doses of 70 to 85 Gy. The exceptions are head and neck or gynecologic cancers, but those are predominantly squamous cell.

According to the Bolla trial, hormonal therapy in combination with radiation therapy provides some synergy that seems to improve patient outcomes. RTOG 9413 asked, “Is hormonal therapy better when given before and during than after radiation therapy?” Radiation therapy given concurrently with hormonal therapy was the superior regimen in that study in terms of progression-free survival — overall survival cannot be determined yet. RTOG 9413 and the Bolla trial indicate that some type of synergy occurs in terms of tumor cell kill when radiation and hormonal therapy are combined synchronously. In patients with low-risk prostate cancer, there are two approaches: one is to increase the radiation dose, and the other is to add hormonal therapy to the standard radiation dose.

Managing PSA recurrence after radiation therapy

A retrospective study that will be published this summer shows that when hormonal therapy is started before the bone scan becomes positive in the postradiation therapy setting, the duration of response and survival is longer. It is a retrospective study, so it is not randomized. Therefore, it is not a conclusion, but a hypothesis.

However, based on this data, my policy has been to not wait much beyond a PSA of 10 ng/mL to treat the patient. Around a PSA level of 10 ng/mL, bone scans start to become positive. In several hundred patients with a rising PSA after radiation that had not yet reached 10 ng/mL, we did not find a single positive bone scan. Once the PSA got above 10 ng/mL, bone scans started to become positive. Above 20 ng/mL, then most of the bone scans were positive.

Early versus delayed hormonal therapy

Three studies in the literature support early, rather than delayed, hormonal therapy. The Bolla trial essentially compares adjuvant and delayed hormonal therapy in patients with T3-4 disease. The Messing trial compares immediate and delayed hormonal therapy in node-positive patients treated by radical prostatectomy. The Medical Research Council trial compares early and delayed hormonal therapy in patients with metastatic or T3-4 disease. All of those trials can be criticized for various reasons, but they all, as a group, support the concept of early hormonal therapy.

Initiating hormonal therapy at PSA recurrence

I either offer patients with PSA elevation a clinical trial or immediate hormonal therapy, if they wish. If they do not want treatment, I say, “Okay. I’m comfortable waiting until your PSA is 10 ng/mL, not beyond that because of the positive bone scan issue.”

Bicalutamide monotherapy may be more appealing to a patient with a biochemical relapse who does not want to be treated with castration. But, we do not know whether combined hormonal blockade and high-dose bicalutamide are equally effective. Some patients have accepted high-dose bicalutamide as an alternative. Since they are getting some therapy, but not experiencing the full repertoire of side effects, many of them are happy with it as a compromise. In terms of the quality of life for bicalutamide monotherapy compared to an LHRH agonist, patients need prophylactic irradiation up front for the gynecomastia; they do not get as anemic and are not as fatigued; they do not have the same degree of hot flashes; and they maintain their libido. Overall, for a man in his fifties or sixties, it definitely provides an improvement in quality of life. But, we do not know the cancercontrol outcome.

Bone mineral density is also decreased with hormonal therapy. A recent New England Journal of Medicine article by Matthew Smith suggests that the bone density loss can be reversed by the addition of a bisphosphonate during hormonal therapy. While there is no proven cancer-control benefit, it may very well be down the road. Bisphosphonates appear, in terms of bone density, likely to impact on the risk of developing a pathologic fracture in the future.

PSA doubling time as a predictor of survival

There are six studies in the literature — three in surgical and three in radiation therapy patients — which have evaluated a number of parameters in terms of their ability to predict the time to bone scan progression and death from prostate cancer after the initiation of hormonal therapy. All six studies have one factor in common — the rate at which the PSA rises following local therapy. If the PSA doubles within 6 to 12 months after local therapy, the patient is likely to develop a positive bone scan and subsequently die of the disease sooner.

In a group of 381 men managed with 70 Gy of radiation for T1-2 disease, we looked at prostate cancer-specific and overall survival. On a multivariate analysis, a PSA doubling time of less than a year was the most important predictor of time to prostate cancer death following the PSA failure. When we plotted cancer-specific survival and overall survival and stratified by PSA doubling time, we found that cancer-specific survival and overall survival for patients whose PSA doubling time was less than a year was essentially equal.

This meant that if a man with a PSA doubling time less than a year following radiation died, he died of prostate cancer. Possibly, a doubling time of less than year may be a surrogate for prostate cancer-specific death. Since the median age at diagnosis was 73 and the men had comorbid illnesses, these results are particularly intriguing.

In patients with a PSA doubling time greater than a year, cancer-specific survival five years following PSA failure was 95%. Our results mimic the Pound paper from Johns Hopkins, which found that it took on average eight years to go from PSA failure to distant failure and another five years to die — a total of 13 years until death. This indicates that the Johns Hopkins group is well selected for low- to intermediate-risk patients. Therefore, they do not have patients with a fast PSA doubling time. In our study, the patients with a PSA doubling time of less than a year had a five-year median survival from PSA failure to death.

I am looking at larger databases to validate whether or not a PSA doubling time less than a year is a surrogate for cancer-specific survival. If it is, this may have an enormous impact on clinical trial design. If we had a surrogate end point for cancer-specific survival (i.e., PSA doubling time less than a year), the number of patients required to answer a question in a phase III trial would decrease markedly, the follow-up period would also decrease markedly and answers would be available more quickly.

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