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Brachytherapy in combination with external beam radiation

Chen CT et al. Dosimetric analysis of urinary morbidity following prostate brachytherapy (125I vs. 103Pd) combined with external beam radiation therapy. Int J Cancer 2001;96 (Suppl):83-8. Abstract

Ghaly M et al. The effect of supplemental beam radiation on prostate brachytherapy-related morbidity: Morbidity outcomes from two prospective randomized multicenter trials. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;55(5):1288-93. Abstract

Kestin LL et al. Pathologic evidence of dose-response and dose-volume relationships for prostate cancer treated with combined external beam radiotherapy and high-dose-rate brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;54(1):107-18. Abstract

Kovacs G, Galalae R. Fractionated perineal high-dose-rate temporary brachytherapy combined with external beam radiation in the treatment of localized prostate cancer: Is lymph node sampling necessary? Cancer Radiother 2003;7(2):100-6. Abstract

Lederman GS et al. Retrospective stratification of a consecutive cohort of prostate cancer patients treated with a combined regimen of external-beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;49(5):1297-303. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Does hormonal manipulation in conjunction with permanent interstitial brachytherapy, with or without supplemental external beam irradiation, improve the biochemical outcome for men with intermediate or high-risk prostate cancer? BJU Int 2003;91(1):23-9. Abstract

Wang JZ, Li XA. Evaluation of external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer using equivalent uniform dose. Med Phys 2003;30(1):34-40. Abstract

Hormone therapy in combination with radiation therapy

Chen CT et al. Does hormonal therapy influence sexual function in men receiving 3D conformal radiation therapy for prostate cancer? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;50(3):591-5. Abstract

Coblentz TR et al. Multimodality radiotherapy and androgen ablation in the treatment of clinically localized prostate cancer: Early results in high risk patients. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 2002;5(3):219-25. Abstract

D'Amico AV. Radiation and hormonal therapy for locally advanced and clinically localized prostate cancer. Urology 2002;60(3 Suppl 1):32-7;discussion 37-8. Abstract

D'Amico AV et al. Initial decline in hemoglobin during neoadjuvant hormonal therapy predicts for early prostate specific antigen failure following radiation and hormonal therapy for patients with intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer. Cancer 2002;95(2):275-80. Abstract

Horwitz EM et al. Subset analysis of RTOG 85-31 and 86-10 indicates an advantage for long-term vs. short-term adjuvant hormones for patients with locally advanced nonmetastatic prostate cancer treated with radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;49(4):947-56. Abstract

Karasawa K et al. Rotational 3D-conformal radiation therapy (conformation therapy) combined with hormone therapy for the treatment of stage B2/C prostate cancer in Japanese men. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;56(1):208-12. Abstract

Lawton CA et al. Updated results of the phase III Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) trial 85-31 evaluating the potential benefit of androgen suppression following standard radiation therapy for unfavorable prognosis carcinoma of the prostate. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;49(4):937-46. Abstract

Lukka H. Prostate cancer: Risk categories and role of hormones and radiotherapy. Can J Urol 2002;9(Suppl 1):26-9. Abstract

Miller NL et al. Impact of a novel neoadjuvant and adjuvant hormone-deprivation approach on quality of life, voiding function, and sexual function after prostate brachytherapy. Cancer 2003;97(5):1203-10. Abstract

Parker CC et al. Pre-treatment nomogram for biochemical control after neoadjuvant androgen deprivation and radical radiotherapy for clinically localised prostate cancer. Br J Cancer 2002;86(5):686-91. Abstract

Pilepich MV et al. Phase III Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) trial 86-10 of androgen deprivation adjuvant to definitive radiotherapy in locally advanced carcinoma of the prostate. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;50(5):1243-52. Abstract

Roach M 3rd et al. Race and survival of men treated for prostate cancer on Radiation Therapy Oncology Group phase III randomized trials. J Urol 2003;169(1):245-50. Abstract

Roach M 3rd et al; Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9413. Phase III trial comparing whole-pelvic versus prostate-only radiotherapy and neoadjuvant versus adjuvant combined androgen suppression: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9413. J Clin Oncol 2003;21(10):1904-11. Abstract

Shipley WU et al. Effect of a short course of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy on the response to subsequent androgen suppression in prostate cancer patients with relapse after radiotherapy: A secondary analysis of the randomized protocol RTOG 86-10. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;54(5):1302-10. Abstract

Zagars GK et al. Addition of radiation therapy to androgen ablation improves outcome for subclinically node-positive prostate cancer. Urology 2001;58(2):233-9. Abstract




Editor’s Note

Michael J Zelefsky, MD
    - Select publications

Joseph A Smith Jr, MD
    - Select publications

Michael K Brawer, MD
    - Select publications


Editor’s Office

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