Home: PCU 3|2003: Laurence Klotz, MD, FRCSC: Select publications

Select publications

Publications discussed by Dr Klotz

Laufer M et al. Complete androgen blockade for prostate cancer: What went wrong? J Urol 2000;164(1):3-9. Abstract

Intermittent versus continuous androgen suppression

Bruchovsky N et al. Intermittent androgen suppression for prostate cancer: Canadian prospective trial and related observations. Mol Urol 2000;4(3):191-9;discussion 201. Abstract

De La Taille A et al. Intermittent androgen suppression in patients with prostate cancer. BJU Int 2003;91(1):18-22. Abstract

Goldenberg SL et al. Clinical experience with intermittent androgen suppression in prostate cancer: Minimum of 3 years' follow-up. Mol Urol 1999;3(3):287-292. Abstract

Grossfeld GD et al. Intermittent androgen deprivation: Update of cycling characteristics in patients without clinically apparent metastatic prostate cancer. Urology 2001;58(2):240-5. Abstract

Hurtado-Coll A et al. Intermittent androgen suppression in prostate cancer: The Canadian experience. Urology 2002;60(3 Suppl 1):52-6; discussion 56. Abstract

Klotz L. Hormone therapy for patients with prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2000;88(12 Suppl):3009-14. Abstract

Leibowitz RL, Tucker SJ. Treatment of localized prostate cancer with intermittent triple androgen blockade: Preliminary results in 110 consecutive patients. Oncologist 2001;6(2):177-82. Abstract

Prapotnich D et al. A 10-year clinical experience with intermittent hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. Eur Urol 2003;43(3):233-40. Abstract




Editor’s Note

Laurence Klotz, MD, FRCSC
    - Select publications

Paul F Schellhammer, MD
    - Select publications

Anthony L Zietman, MD, FRCR
    - Select publications


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