Home: PCU 6|2003: Gregory S Merrick, MD: Select Publications

Select publications

Publications discussed by Dr Merrick

Lee LN et al. Role of hormonal therapy in the management of intermediate- to high-risk prostate cancer treated with permanent radioactive seed implantation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;52(2):444-52. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Does hormonal manipulation in conjunction with permanent interstitial brachytherapy, with or without supplemental external beam irradiation, improve the biochemical outcome for men with intermediate or high-risk prostate cancer? BJU Int 2003;91(1):23-9. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Erectile function after permanent prostate brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;52(4):893-902. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Late rectal function after prostate brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;57(1):42-8. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Long-term urinary quality of life after permanent prostate brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;56(2):454-61. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Prophylactic versus therapeutic alpha-blockers after permanent prostate brachytherapy. Urology 2002;60(4):650-5. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Prostate-specific antigen spikes after permanent prostate brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;54(2):450-6. Abstract

Merrick GS et al. Rectal function following prostate brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2000;48(3):667-74. Abstract

Reed D et al. Clinical correlates to PSA spikes and positive repeat biopsies after prostate brachytherapy. Urology 2003;62(4):683-8. Abstract

Roach M 3rd et al. Phase III trial comparing whole-pelvic versus prostate-only radiotherapy and neoadjuvant versus adjuvant combined androgen suppression: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9413. J Clin Oncol 2003;21(10):1904-11. Abstract

Schover LR et al. Defining sexual outcomes after treatment for localized prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2002;95(8):1773-85. Abstract

Wernicke AG et al. Radiation dose delivered to the proximal penis as a predictor of the risk of erectile dysfunction after three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003;57(2S):S274;Abstract 1022.

Stone NN, Stock RG. Neoadjuvant hormonal therapy improves the outcomes of patients undergoing radioactive seed implantation for localized prostate cancer. Mol Urol 1999;3(3):239-244. Abstract




Editor’s Note:
The Waiting Room

Gregory S Merrick, MD
    - Select publications

Judd W Moul, MD, FACS
    - Select publications

Colleen A Lawton, MD, FACR
    - Select publications


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